Whatsapp On PC

How to install WhatsApp on PC

follow these steps as shown in video.

1-Android Emulator (come with Android SDK, downloadable at http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
2-WhatsApp for Android apk file (downloadable athttp://www.whatsapp.com/android/)
Telnet or a software applicable to connect to Telnet protocol.
Your SIM card

Step 1: Download and install Android Emulator

Go to: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
And download the .exe file for windows……. Install it

Then open Android SDK manager…..Select repository….. and check “SDK Platform Android 2.3.3, API 10” or (check any SDK Platform Android as you want)
After check, click on install selected packages and wait until downloading and installing processes are finished

Now go to Tools and select Manage AVDs to create your Virtual device
Click new, choose a name for your virtual device (for example MyVDevice) and your target is going to be the version of your Android that you installed in the steps before.
Choose 512Mib for size Then click on create AVD

Click on your virtual device in the list of available devices and then click start

Step 2: Install and use WatsApp on your virtual device

Open your browser on android
Go to: www.whatsapp.com/android
Then download WhatsApp for android and install it.now you need to activate WhatsApp.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you can verify your phone number using voice verification instead of text SMS verification to avoid all of the text SMS verification steps.

After entering your phone number you can choose"VOICE VERIFICATION" to verify your phone number
when you are waiting for the verification code, Click Edit then click OK (without make any change with your number)
you will realize that the SMS verification failed, choose "voice verification" click Call Me
then whatsapp will call you, and waiting for you to enter the code to activate it.

now there is no need to of the following steps


Open WhatsApp, it'll ask you to type in your phone number. It'll send you a text SMS to verify that is really your number. You have to type your real phone number here.
Wait for a while for the SMS message arrives to your own phone. The message will look like this.
From: 99999 Message: WhatsApp code 984

Now it is a tricky part to put this message into Android Virtual Device to verify your phone number. we need to open a session with the android console on port 5554:
to do so go to:

Start >cmd > right click and open as administrator

And type in console:

telnet localhost 5554

You should receive a message like:

Android console: type ‘help’ for a list of commands

Fake an SMS message into android virtual device by typing this

sms send the number from where you received the sms WhatsApp code the code you received

for the example above sms send 99999 WhatsApp code 984
and press enter, you should receive a message Ok.

Go to your Android phone, you should receive a message from the mobile number you entered and in it WhatsApp code xxxxx
you’ll receive a WELCOME message on WhatsApp

REMBER that you should add your contacts in your virtual mobile
Two problems my arise :

"failed to create directory" while try to install android platform
To solve such problem, you must make sure you have writing permissions for that folder. Try starting the SDK Manager as Administrator.right click > run as administrator

"telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file" when writing telnet localhost 5554 in cmd
To solve such problem, go to Control panel > Uninstall a program > Turn Windows Features on or off > check telnet client & telnet server

لتنزيل كيبورد عربي :افتح المتصفح في الجهاز الوهمي -1
2-ادخل الرابطhttp://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Educational/Languages/Arabic-Soft-Keyboard-81352.shtml
3- قم بتحميل الكيبورد العربي
4-لتفعيله في الجهاز الوهمي settings>Locale & text> Arabic Soft Keyboard
5-وبعدها لاستخدامه في الواتسابpress & hold on a text field > choose input method > Arabic soft keyboard

